Adeeyoyo's Blog

I write what I feel…

Beautiful Bonsai


Flowering fruit trees, azaleas, Chinese and Japanese wisteria…

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Images: Received by email. Origin unknown.

©DGA 1 November 2011 10:12

Author: adeeyoyo

I am a middle-aged South African woman, living in Johannesburg. I began writing poetry towards the end of May 2010. I love animals – sometimes more than people! I am back after a break. Thanks for still being here, if you are! Missed you! xxx

32 thoughts on “Beautiful Bonsai

  1. oh wow…love these…they are beautiful…


    • I have always wished I could grow them… Even without flowers they are so beautiful and the more gnarled the trunk can look, the more character they seem to have.


  2. These Bonsai are exquisite; it’s my favorite tree, strong and beautiful with lots of character.


  3. Maxi stole my word before I could use it!
    I think the flowers are exquisite as well, Denise. If you don’t know what the origin of the slides is, it is possible that someone will contact you to see if you want to buy one – or two- or more!!!
    I did enjoy them, bonsai trees are fascinating.


    • They are, John, and growing, training and pruning are quite complicated too. I took a book out of the library once, which I found very interesting and self-explanatory.


  4. Oh my, they’re spectacular. I seem to be killing mine slowly …


  5. Beautiful indeed! I tried growing bonsai once, with no luck. Admittedly, my thumb is anything but green… 🙂


  6. I think the photography alone is worth commenting on. The subjects speak for themselves.. But I am so envious of the eye of the photographer and artist. The lighting, the focus, the clarity, totally amazes me, what they see and the rest of us (me) do not. Thanks for sharing Denise.


  7. They are gorgeous. Thanks, Denise


  8. I have never seen any with flowers. They are not popular among older Americans. Something to do with a matter occurring on Dec. 7, 1941.


    • I would never have thought it Carl! Well, each to his own I suppose and I do understand. Not good though…

      I hadn’t seen anything like these flowering plants, but I don’t think they flower for long. I don’t like the thought of plants suffering this sort of torture to get them ‘beautiful’ and I do think they can feel something…


  9. I never knew these trees did this. So beautiful. Thank you for broadening my world.


  10. Absolutely stunning Denise, and more so knowing how much work has gone into making them look like that.
    Thanks for sharing.


  11. Well, this has brightened a damp British November afternoon! Wonderful, Denise, Thank you!


  12. Human and nature combining to produce complete works of art!


  13. Beautiful, delicate and ancient, Adee – a sight for sore eyes – thanks 🙂


  14. Those can’t be real!


  15. I’ve always loved Bonsai Trees… even the plain Jane Junipers…
    God Bless You


    • Yes, Paul, I agree. They don’t need the flowers to be works of art. Bless you too, my friend. I was thinking you still had internet problems… nice to see you back.


  16. Beautiful – I have never seen a flowering bonsai (just the non-flowering ones) – just love the way they are made and how they look 🙂 thanks for the show


    • I haven’t either, Gabe, and, although these are beautiful with the flowers, I love the gnarled, ‘old’ look of the ordinary ones we see – true miniatures with all the characteristics of huge ancient ones. It was a pleasure to post these.


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