Adeeyoyo's Blog

I write what I feel…

Love is so Confusticating



I want a recipe for love

To help me to know

Is it love or is it lust

That makes my heart glow.

Why does my heart beat fast

When you’re near?

Is it an illusion or truth?

Can it be wound up tight

Fit to burst with the strain

And the pain?

I need to decide:

Infatuation or fascination

That makes me fly

When the wind at my back

Lifts me high in the sky?


©DGA 03 December 2011 06:55

Author: adeeyoyo

I am a middle-aged South African woman, living in Johannesburg. I began writing poetry towards the end of May 2010. I love animals – sometimes more than people! I am back after a break. Thanks for still being here, if you are! Missed you! xxx

24 thoughts on “Love is so Confusticating

  1. Ah Adee…..a good question.
    I reckon when your man is your best friend that is the answer.


  2. That is is feeling as one, relaxed and happy, content and secure, but I loved your poem


  3. Many confuse Love and Lust. The poem made me smile, Denise.


  4. Love and wisdom intermingled: a powerful brew! Quaff away!

    Quaff: to drink (a beverage) copiously and heartily.


  5. I’m very familiar with lust, infatuation and fascination, Denise, but love evades me for some reason. Maybe I’m looking too hard for it (or not at all…).
    Yes, a good question! 😀


  6. could be a kinda scary answer…smiles….i wouldlike to think i could look through infatuation but…


  7. That, to quote a Danish Prince, is the question. And sometimes only time will tell…lovely poem 🙂


  8. I say, no matter – enjoy the moment! 😉


  9. It’s so long ago, Denise. But I remember waiting about ten years before I found a wonderful partner and wife – except that she found me!
    I agree with granny1947 that friendship is the core of it.



    • Well, it seems to be unanimous, John, and my heart tells me you’re right too! So, the question is settled… hmm, but who’s to say no to a little fun on the way, as long as it’s not taken seriously and no one gets hurt (ooh, no guarantees there, so I don’t think so)… 😦


  10. ‘confusticating’ – bwhahahahahaha 🙂 good one adeeyoyo


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