Adeeyoyo's Blog

I write what I feel…

Ghost Ship


Ghost Ship


Ghost Ship


A ghost ship

Riding the fog

Night of the dog

Silence weighed heavy

In days of yore

During the War

When a whispered breath

Could bring death



©DGA 03 January 2012 08:40

Author: adeeyoyo

I am a middle-aged South African woman, living in Johannesburg. I began writing poetry towards the end of May 2010. I love animals – sometimes more than people! I am back after a break. Thanks for still being here, if you are! Missed you! xxx

34 thoughts on “Ghost Ship

  1. Hehe…lovely to see my pic there and to know it inspired you!


  2. Granny’s photo inspired you – I think that’s brilliant!


  3. Your poem reminds me of the Flying Dutchman, Denise.
    As long as the folk on that mysterious looking ship haven’t seen FD, they’ll be alright!



  4. To what does “night of the dog” refer?


    • I wanted it to refer to the dog star Sirius:

      Sirius is also known colloquially as the “Dog Star”, reflecting its prominence in its constellation, Canis Major (Greater Dog).[11] The heliacal rising of Sirius marked the flooding of the Nile in Ancient Egypt and the “dog days” of summer for the ancient Greeks, while to the Polynesians it marked winter and was an important star for navigation around the Pacific Ocean.


  5. The photo is filled with mystery and wonder … just like life.


  6. As an old ‘sea dog’ I particularly liked this one Denise..Love the picture too.. It’s so true about the slightest sound, especially onboard a submarine.. Noticing your comments on “the night of the dog” In the U.S. Navy there is what they call the “first dog watch” I think it is the midnight to four am watch.. I’ll have to refresh my memory as well..Nice post.


    • Thanks, Jake. I just wrote what came into my head, re dog night, then googled it and I thought it fit quite well – considering I’m not a seaman, lol!


  7. I stand corrected on the times of the watches..The first dog watch is 4-6 pm and the second dog watch is 6-8 pm.


  8. Very mysterious…


  9. the ship certainly has a ghostly quality to it…and nice reflection back to the war and what that ship might have held for the viewer….nice adee


  10. Well done. Especially the last two lines which reminded me of the Hunt for Red October . . . unheard and unseen as it traveled through the deep.


  11. Oh, fabulously sinister, Denise!


    • Thanks so much, Kate. I owe you a huge apology. I will be catching up on your posts, among many others, in the next couple of days. I ran out of time on a few days and now am waaay behind! 🙂


  12. Our life is like a ship…constantly moving forward, sailing through the sea of life.


  13. Life being like a sea is an excellent analogy, Epizeuxis, because sometimes it is rough and sometimes smooth and calm.


  14. I have been watching the series “Hornblower” on DVD, so this is quite apposite. I’d recommend it if you-haven’t seen it. Very well made, with a strong morality theme of loyalty and honour.


  15. Ooh yes, wonderfully creepy, the poem and picture both


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