Adeeyoyo's Blog

I write what I feel…

About Me

About Me

I am a middle-aged South African woman, living in Johannesburg, South Africa and I have no intention of getting any older.

I was born in Tarkastad in the Eastern Cape, moved to East London when I was about seven years old, then moved to Durban a year or so later where I did most of my growing up.

I have two children and four grandchildren.

I came to live in Johannesburg in 1996.

I only started blogging towards the end of February 2010. I then began writing poetry about two months later. I love animals – sometimes more than people!

Thank you so much for reading my posts.

64 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Welcome, I hope you have a good run here for many, many years to come.


  2. Welcome from met too, Adeeyoyo 🙂

    I’m partial to poets! I’ll keep an eye on your blog and chuck in my penny’sworth from time to time. Keep at it – it’s hard work, but van be rewarding.


    De Waal


    • I’m glad you like us, lol. And you’re welcome to keep an eye. You will have seen I’m new at this, but I’m finding I love it! Your input will be most welcome.



  3. Popped in to check where you live adeeyoyo. Life is difficult with a wrist in plaster I know. So thought if you lived in Cape Town I would offer some help but alas…too far away for me ;o) I do hope it gets better soonest. Am loving your blog and your poetry. I have 2 grandkids (boys) so you are beating me by 2 :o) Hugs and God bless xx


    • Thank you for such a kind thought, Colleen. No matter what you read here, lol, it is feeling much more comfortable. I didn’t connect ‘Colleen’ with ‘Browniegirl’ at all. God bless you too. xxx


  4. You are doing a wonderful job with your blog. I can see that you are very careful to post things that will interest us all. Thank you for that. 🙂 I hope you have many hours of blogging fun. 🙂


  5. Glad to meet.


  6. I am so happy you started this blog, I started writing and doing a blog only 4 months ago Adee….and never say we’re too old for anything in life…I also started taking art classes a couple of weeks ago!! Used to live in SA (Cape Town) 10 years ago…my birth country which I will forever love!! Nice to meet you on a more personal level dear friend x


    • Nice to meet you Amanda. I see we’ve been writing for about the same length of time. Good for you with the art classes. I would love to learn to paint and one day want to give it a bash. I used to draw a lot at one time. Lately have taken up jewellery making which has come to a halt until I have the use of my hand back! Also am in the middle of redecorating my house as and when money permits.


  7. Hi there….Denise…pleased to know you…..if I may be so foreward…..thanks for the support on my blog….it is appreciated…….I am new to writing as well….and I do love it…….actually a long story….maybe I will do a post about it sometime….anyway….just wanted to say howzit….


  8. Hi, nice to meet you !


  9. Not only beautifully simple; profound too. Thanks


  10. Hi, there. I think your poetry is very good. It is very Zen like in its simplicity. It touches me. You seem to have thought extensively about who you are. I like that. I love painting but don’t think I have a major talent (nor am I remotely distressed by this). It ‘happened’ to me and I am delighted to find that I can learn something new; especially something so utterly different from my career. Your poetry, on the other hand , deserves a wider audience. I hope you have a great weekend with lots of inspiration.
    Thank you for responding and your kind words. Tillie


  11. Sometimes (well a lot of times – haha) I love animals more than people too.


  12. So great to have you back, Adeeyoyo :-D. bb


  13. Surfing the waves of the web I am pleasantly stranded in this beautiful blog.

    I write under the pseudonym of Josè Pascal (a descendant of the great Colonel Aureliano Buendía).

    I invite you to visit my italian writing blog I define this blog “In parole Semplici” as a “virtuacultural tin” box where they are guarded thoughts, memories, images, sounds, and simple stories. ”

    If you want to participate and to have more informations send me a letter to

    Good life and I hope to soon


    • Hi Josè

      Thank you for the kind comment on my blog and your good wishes. I wish you everything of the best and look forward to visiting your blog soon.



  14. Hi Denise, nice to meet you. I came across a comment of yours on another blog today and I liked your profile pic!
    I love animals too, in fact, that is what my blog is all about, and it’s always nice to meet another animal lover!


  15. GORGEOUS Woman that you are, Adee!!!!!!!



  16. An Open Invitation To Compose “Dying Sayings” in comments at

    This is an invitation that I am posting into the comments of the “About” pages of 188 randomly selected blogs. How did I find you? From Tag Surfer–“dying.”

    The inspiration for this request comes from Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase & Fable, Centenary Edition, Revised, 1981, Harper and Row, Publishers, New York. This book has 187 “Dying Sayings,” and I’m sure living WordPress bloggers and blog readers can write no less inspiring self-composed epitaphs than the historically famous.

    Among the “Dying Sayings,” pp. 369-372, are the below fourteen entries plus my own:

    Newton: “I don’t know what I may seem to the world. But as to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.”

    Richard I: “Youth, I forgive thee!” (Said to Bertrand du Gourdon, who shot him with an arrow at Challus. Then, to his attendants, he added): “Take off his chains, give him 100 shillings, and let him go.”

    Augustus (to his friends): “Do you think I have played my part pretty well through the farce of life?”

    Beecher (Henry Ward): “Now comes the mystery.”

    Goethe: “Light, more light!”

    Hannibal: “Let us now relieve the Romans of their fears by the death of a feeble old man.”

    Jackson (“Stonewall“): “Let us pass over the river, and rest under the shade of the trees.”

    More (Sir Thomas): “See me safe up [i.e. on ascending the scaffold]; for my coming down, let me shift for myself.”

    Mozart: “You spoke of a refreshment, Emile; take my last notes, and let me hear once more my solace and delight.”

    Poe (Edgar Allan): “Lord, help my soul!”

    Roland (Madame; on her way to the guillotine): “O Liberty! What crimes are committed in thy name!”

    Saladin: “When I am buried, carry my winding-sheet on the point of a spear, and say these words: Behold the spoils which Saladin carries with him! Of all his victories, realms and riches, nothing remains to him but this.”

    Webster (Daniel): “Life, life! Death, death! How curious it is!”

    Wordsworth: “God bless you! Is that you, Dora?”

    Soaringdragons: “I have been waiting for this moment since my youth, and it is with extreme anticipation that I wait now.”

    Feel free to compose as many of your own “dying sayings” as you wish in comments. Please bear in mind that this blog is P.G. and contains 18,000 words, none of which are swear words. So, the rule is that if your response includes ‘swear words’ (my own private definition being the standard) I will either edit the response or delete it, my option.

    I hope everyone contributes. Cheers!


  17. Thank you very much for the kind comments on my blog.


  18. Hello Hello…… So nice to meet you! 🙂 I have a good group of great SA friends and am always looking to add another….. I have friends in the JHB area (greenhills randfontein) and in Hoedspruit…..which apparently is out in the middle of NOWHERE….ha ha…… Have a great day! I’ll pop back often 🙂


  19. Hi there, Mark… lovely to meet you too – and I promise this is the only time I will mention Seinfeld, just to say I used to LOVE IT! Glad to hear you have friends here in SA (where would we be without the net?). I must admit I have never heard of Hoedspruit, duh. Mind you I am, relatively new to the Gauteng (Transvaal, in the old days) area.


  20. “I love animals – sometimes more than people!”
    That’s exactly the way I feel!
    And great blog by the way. 🙂


  21. Thank you for the visit, Epizeuxis. I’m so glad you feel that way too. 😀


  22. Hello Denise, I’m just returning your visit and want to say a quick ‘Hi!’, I’ll have a good read through some of your posts in a short while. And I totally get you with the animal thing…! 😉


    • Hi Tom, thanks for coming over. I was over your way for only a short while too, but hopefully will be able to read more tomorrow. I like your style of writing, natural and not contrived, lol!


  23. Have seen your comments on Jake’s blog over at Poems and Ponderings and then saw your comment on mine today so thought I would take a gander!!!! Great blog you have—you are a very talented lady!!! I am with you on the animal thing, also!!! Great to meet you!!! Thanks for the comment today!


    • Hi BethAnn, I also went over to check out your blog after seeing you on Jake’s post and will visit again. Great to see you are an animal lover too!


  24. Hello! Just got over this way to visit, and I find that the two of us started blogging at about the same time! And I, too, write poetry. Small world! I enjoyed my zoom around your blog very much, and will be back when I have time for a more leisurely perusal. 🙂


    • Thanks for visiting, Elizabeth, and pleased that you enjoyed it. I glanced at your blog (no time for more now) and will return later. I didn’t notice any poetry, but lots of fiction. Btw I started this blog in May 2010.


  25. I value and appreciate your comment on my recent post. Perhaps you may care to review my response. I do agree with you.


  26. Hello, hello, hello 🙂
    I am nominating you for the “The Versatile Blogger Award”
    Check it out: Written Words Never Die >
    Eric Alagan


    • Hi Ben, while I am honoured that my name is on your list, I am sorry but I must decline for personal reasons. Thank you for the kind thought just the same.


  27. And after all it’s the thought that counts. 🙂


  28. Hello Adeeyoyo. I discovered you on “SonsOThunder’s” site this evening. In fact, I had gone back over there to see if Paul had posted anything recently. I’ve actually been a little worried about him, because he used to post and or comment every day. The two of us had conversed almost every day since I started my 3rd blog (this one.) It’s strange that he has just stopped posting or commenting for almost a month now. Perhaps he is having computer trouble. I hope it’s nothing more serious. It’s a little strange to say you are concerned about people that you never met, but so many of the people on here really do become friends — and almost family — that I can’t seem to help it.

    I wanted to tell you that I read several of your poems this evening, and they are delightful. So “to-the-point” and so full of lovely imagery. I’m glad to know you’re out here, and I hope you do find your experiences on here something that will give you enormous pleasure for years to come. Your poetry definitely gives pleasure to others.

    Have to go now, but I will be back.
    May the Lord cause His face to shine on you today!


    • Paul’s comings and goings on the blogs is very erratic sometimes, Sandra. I check him out every few days too, but he does disappear sometimes for quite a while. I love his blog and it’s true that bloggers can feel connected. He is one of my favourites and I feel I learn a lot from him. But we all have our (sometimes very mundane) real lives to live and they can often take precedence over our blog lives.

      Thank you for enjoying my poems. It is lovely to hear that as one can’t always judge by the number of visitors to one’s blog. God bless you and keep you safe. Enjoy your blogging experience. I will be over to have a read later on today. 🙂


      • I definitely relate to the “mundane real life” thing. I work three jobs to make ends meet, plus do my own personal writing. Two of those jobs could be used as the definition of “mundane,” but they do help contribute funds to my bank account for spending, so I won’t complain too loudly.


  29. Was sent here on recommendation of anotherdayinparadise… and I’m glad she did… I love poetry, not writing it cause I’m useless at that, but reading it… so I’ll be following and enjoying and maybe every now and then commenting… I love to meet talented South Africans, we do have them here, and not enough of them share…


    • Thanks so much for visiting my blog, Bulldog. I have been over to yours and love your photographs. It is a new interest for me as I recently acquired a camera which I still have to master as some of my shots in the Pilanesberg are not as sharp as I would have liked. I look forward to your visits and to visiting you as well.


  30. thank you very much for visit my site. you have wonderful blog. nice.


  31. Thanks for stopping by at my blog, you have some really good poetry 🙂


    • Hi Kabirg (Hope I got your name right) I had a quick look at your blog and was impressed! I have added you to my list of favourite bloggers and want to read more. However, sometimes I’m wary of reading poetry in case I (quite UNintentionally) am influenced. I like to be my own person, not someone else’s, lol! 😀


      • Thanks so much for taking the time to read my poetry, glad that you enjoyed it! I feel honored to be on your list of favourite bloggers. I look forward to reading more of you poetry, and I’m following you 🙂 Glad to have come across your blog!


  32. Hi! Great blog!!! I nominated your blog for an award. Visit my blog for your Leibster.


  33. I pray you are well, Denise.


  34. I am well, thank you, Paul. Testing time in my life. Will hopefully be back. Thank you for your prayers – much needed now. God bless you my friend!


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