Adeeyoyo's Blog

I write what I feel…

Shadow People from the Past



Cloudy memories,

Becoming more fragile with the passing of time,

Take on a delicate flimsiness

And the people who were once so real

Become shadow people,

Glimpsed through the drapes

Shrouding the windows to the past.


©DGA 18 October 2011 11:15

Author: adeeyoyo

I am a middle-aged South African woman, living in Johannesburg. I began writing poetry towards the end of May 2010. I love animals – sometimes more than people! I am back after a break. Thanks for still being here, if you are! Missed you! xxx

26 thoughts on “Shadow People from the Past

  1. So true. We’ve moved around so much . . . making friends, then leaving them behind . . . like so many shadows.


  2. I have so many of those shadows. Some I miss, some I dont.


  3. Oh Denise! I can’t tell you how much I have forgotten the names of those with whom I worked for years! My grandmother used to call it “old age and infirmary” !!



  4. This was actually quite moving, well done.


  5. Shadow people, perfect … some are gone forever, others return another day.

    Blessings – Maxi


  6. I seem to be clocking up more and more of these Shadow People, Denise… at first I thought it was quite funny, but now it’s getting slightly frustrating – especially when I’m talking to an old acquaintance and I just can not remember their name. I often wonder if I’m one of their Shadow People too, but it doesn’t seem like it… a good, thought provoking post this one… I like it! 😀


    • It’s not nice to think we could be relegated to the shadows too, Tom, haha. I hate it when I can’t remember their name! I’m so glad you liked it. 😀


  7. For me it happens with clients. They share so many of their personal details with me.. they feel very connected to me. And when I see them sometime later.. I cannot remember their names. I feel terrible when this happens.


  8. Strange how it happens that way, when they were so much part of our lives.


  9. And we too become Shadow People, perhaps already are for some.


  10. true…and often the events themselves either become greater or a whole lot more tolerable than they once were…


  11. As they are now, so shall we be, as time marches on. Such is life Denise.
    A thoughtful post, as is your norm.


  12. I was just thinking about that today – how my memories and feelings are fading, of people I used to be very close too – good poem adeeyoyo – quite evocative.


  13. Adeeyoyo, the poem is heartfelt and conveys profound sensitivities. Keep penning, you are so gifted with poetry. Cheers.


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