Adeeyoyo's Blog

I write what I feel…




The inky blackness of the night
Is warm and cloying on my skin
Blanket-like it covers me
I find it difficult to breathe

Clotted air weighs heavily
Upon my body as I lie
Presses down against my breast
A spectral lover in the dark

Would that you’d return to me
Hold me in your gentle arms
Stroke me with your loving touch
And be the one I miss so much


©Denise G Allen, 21 January 2013 13:08


Out and About


Jack and Mrs Sprat

Thin and very fat

Took a stroll around the town

Looking at the sights

Never dreaming they were one

To other passers-by

Admiring the lights

Mirrored in the glass

Imagining they fit right in

‘Cos there are many fat-cats

Greed will take its toll

Now fancy that


©Denise G Allen, 21 January 2013 08:23