Adeeyoyo's Blog

I write what I feel…




Dong….. dong….. dong…..
In the distance of my mind
I hear the church bells ringing
Dong….. dong….. dong…..
The deep melodic tone, calling, calling
Mellow, hollow, resounding
In memory’s echo chamber


Hurry, scurry, we can’t be late
Children stumble at a half-run
Biggest in front, smallest behind
One on a bicycle drags his foot
Slowing himself in order to wait
While the last little boy kicks stones
On the ground with his boot


Dong….. dong….. dong…..
In the distance of my mind
I hear the church bells ringing
Dong….. dong….. dong…..
The deep melodic tone, calling, calling
Mellow, hollow, resounding
In memory’s echo chamber


©Denise G Allen, 22 July 2014 07:27