Adeeyoyo's Blog

I write what I feel…



Drifter_jellyfish Pictures, Images and Photos


drifting with the wind
across the desert floor

drifting with the current
to the ocean shore

drifting in the air
uncertain where to go

is like drifting through life
to end up in skid row

A skid row or skid road is a run-down or dilapidated urban area with a large, impoverished population. The term originally referred literally to a path along which workingmen skidded logs.

Image: unisomdreams –
©DGA 09.04.2011 13:09

Author: adeeyoyo

I am a middle-aged South African woman, living in Johannesburg. I began writing poetry towards the end of May 2010. I love animals – sometimes more than people! I am back after a break. Thanks for still being here, if you are! Missed you! xxx

28 thoughts on “Drifting

  1. Love the photo you chose, Denise. And the first 3 stanzas of your poem. The last stanza seems overly pessimistic. Not all “drifters” end up on Skid Row.

    Some end up exactly where they need to be when they need to be there.


    • You’re right, Nancy. Not all do, but it is a warning to those with no direction/ambition (also I couldn’t put ‘perhaps’ at the beginning of the last line, lol). Yes,the photo is exactly what I wanted – to show how pleasant and easy it is to drift. 😆


    • You’ve got a point. 😀

      As the caterpillar (or the Cheshire Cat) says to Alice, “If you don’t know where you’re going, then any road will get you there.”

      And there may be Skid Row.

      But I suspect that many on Skid Row ended up there due to mental illness rather than lack of direction.


  2. now you have spolied my lovely day of drifting. I;ll have to go out and find purpose before I end up there 😉


  3. Resonates with my mood today, adee.


  4. Just don’t let one of these suckers “drift’ against your leg. I’ll tell ya.


  5. hmmm…but how many do just that…just let the current take them until they get to the end…


  6. A great poetic homily. Love the picture.


  7. I like very much because the first three stanzas are set up to make you feel like you are ‘drifting’ toward some halcyon destination that actually ends up being a dire warning of a more dank and despairing destination. You did a beautiful job withe execution of this poem Denise. 🙂


  8. The pic has another significance, too – those sorts of drifters often poison anything that comes near!


  9. lovely rhythm and construction, Adee – like those drifting moon jellies – very calming. I oten think it would be great to have column tanks of them in places like hospitals


  10. I like this one – and thanks for the history lesson (I always thought skid row just meant on the streets).


  11. I learnt something new as well. There is something attractive about drifting. I often like it to a gypsy kind of existence, which appeals to me. I really liked your poem.


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