Adeeyoyo's Blog

I write what I feel…

Busy Hands



Back in the room we were before

Where the sun remained outside the door

Eight or nine old souls are there

Each ensconced in his own chair


Eyes cast down towards the ground

Silence reigns. The only sound

The clickety clack that needles make

Soft and rhythmic, quite hypnotic


In, round, through, off

In, round, through, off

Her neighbour busy too folding a tissue fanned

And ironing it smooth with the other hand


It’s quite easy to understand

The comfort gleaned from busy hands

Years of repetition ingrained

Rituals of the past retained


With the rest of the people it’s hard to tell

Just which of them are alive and well

There’s only one who meets your eyes

Before they slide away surprised


‘Cos no one cares if they’re alive or dead

Or fast asleep, though not in bed


©DGA 15 January 2012 08:39

Author: adeeyoyo

I am a middle-aged South African woman, living in Johannesburg. I began writing poetry towards the end of May 2010. I love animals – sometimes more than people! I am back after a break. Thanks for still being here, if you are! Missed you! xxx

24 thoughts on “Busy Hands

  1. That is so that what life is like when all have given you up to an institution


  2. Is this a scene from your home, Denise?
    If so, thank God you have blogging, and, I hope, other stuff.
    Very evocative.
    Thank you for the sharing.



  3. Well . . . even if no one OUTSIDE the room cares, they could care about each other, couldn’t they?

    After all, they have quite a bit in common.


  4. ugh…heavy at the end there…to not have anyone to care for them…i dont ever want it to come to that…and great rhyme scheme…


    • The one who meets your eye is the only one who is not under this dreadful ‘spell’, Brian! The only one fully or half conscious of his surroundings.


  5. Some stories are so sad, yet at times joy can be found in the simplest of things. Very nice poem Denise.


  6. They each care and are putting it into their handiwork. This touched a deep place inside of me Denise.. thank you.


  7. You have the courage to look in the face what many avoid and bring us back for us to reflect on. Thanks.


    • I must say, Ben, that being here and privileged to see this, makes me wish I could make a difference for these people. I have been wondering if music would/could get through to them. I have just, a moment ago, broached the subject with the matron who told me they used to have music until the player was stolen! She has promised to look into getting something that ‘can be chained down’!


  8. The last part of life is so very sad for some. I wish it wasn’t a decline like this. 😦


  9. Do many of them have dementia, Denise?


    • There are a few with Alzheimer’s, Bb. I’m not sure about dementia because all our brains deteriorate with age and these particular people in that lounge are, all but one I think, shut off in their minds from what is going on around them. I hope to get some music for them and, maybe, start a simple exercise program together with the music. Also I’d have to watch that the carers don’t just hijack the music, if it’s a radio, for themselves as happens with the TV. Ideally I’d like just a CD player, simple and cheap.


  10. Beautiful piece. You’ve moved me.


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