Adeeyoyo's Blog

I write what I feel…





From time immemorial man

has been dissatisfied with the status quo,

but now… has he grown lazy,

too easily pacified, gratified, molified

with his executions of excursions

into the unknown from the planet he calls ‘home’?

Danger, has reared its ugly head. No flying in its face!

All carried out in unreal time, with bits and bytes.

No new frontiers that MATTER (or hard-ly).

When we are forced to vacate this home

where do we go and do we take with us

our selfish-ness, destructive-ness, vicious-ness

to contaminate the future?

If not, how do we leave it behind?

Change is OVERdue…

and if WE don’t/can’t make it ~~

who can?


©Denise G Allen, 02 January 2014 11:33