Adeeyoyo's Blog

I write what I feel…





From time immemorial man

has been dissatisfied with the status quo,

but now… has he grown lazy,

too easily pacified, gratified, molified

with his executions of excursions

into the unknown from the planet he calls ‘home’?

Danger, has reared its ugly head. No flying in its face!

All carried out in unreal time, with bits and bytes.

No new frontiers that MATTER (or hard-ly).

When we are forced to vacate this home

where do we go and do we take with us

our selfish-ness, destructive-ness, vicious-ness

to contaminate the future?

If not, how do we leave it behind?

Change is OVERdue…

and if WE don’t/can’t make it ~~

who can?


©Denise G Allen, 02 January 2014 11:33

Author: adeeyoyo

I am a middle-aged South African woman, living in Johannesburg. I began writing poetry towards the end of May 2010. I love animals – sometimes more than people! I am back after a break. Thanks for still being here, if you are! Missed you! xxx

5 thoughts on “Escape

  1. “New frontiers” are encouraged and inspired, don’t see much of that these days.
    blessings ~ maxi


  2. Can’t imagine life with a little adventure here and there even if is tame and mundane.


  3. Excellent points to ponder going into this sparkling new year. Laziness and unwarranted complacency seem to feature a lot these days. Wouldn’t it be marvellous if the resources used for fighting one another were channelled into seeking new frontiers for all?


  4. change is def overdue….much the same as my thought yesterday…in how we have let the important things go by and can only be blamed for where we have ended up…sound the alarm…clang the bells its time to wake up….


  5. Such deep thoughts to ponder at the start of a new year, adee. Complacency and laziness are not only negative, but are actually destructive. Happy New Year to you. 🙂


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