Adeeyoyo's Blog

I write what I feel…


Praise for Grace

Post No. 859


Praise for Grace


Traversing the dark tunnel of life

I came face to face with Your grace,

Washed clean by Jesus’ blood

Of the new covenant,

Filled with the Holy Spirit

And cloaked by the light of Your love.

Praise God our heavenly Father,

Lord and King of all things:

Hallelujah, Lord of lords!

Hallelujah, King of kings!



©Denise G Allen, 18 August 2015 06:42

1 Comment


Post No. 852




Hands cannot hold the feelings in my soul

empty hands but heavy hearted

oceans of emotions wash over me

fighting for survival like waves

upon a viscous sea of good and evil

but there is a lifeline cast to me

cast to me to set me free

to lift me up from the salty sea

to raise me up and to set me free

and You, O Lord, are He


©Denise G Allen, 08 August 2015 05:47


Circle of Life

Circle of Life

As the colours start to fade
And the sunlight turns to shade
So the dark begins to creep
And earth’s creatures go to sleep.

But there are some creatures of the night
Who are uneasy in the light
And use the darkness as a cloak
To hide their deeds and evil work.

As time ticks onward in its stride
And earth turns back towards the light,
The sleeping ones unfurl and rise
To meet the new sun in the sky.

Life is a circle, a never-ending ring
Of orbits around the sun,
Of days and nights, of seasons:
Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring.

All performing under the baton
Of He who orchestrates the plan,
The Creator, Coordinator,
Lord and Master of the universe.
