Adeeyoyo's Blog

I write what I feel…


The Merry go Round

Merry go Round

The Merry go Round

Laughing children on the ride,
Shouting, waving, being merry;
Parents standing round outside,
Smiling, calling, cameras clicking.

Up and down went the horses,
Round and round went the ride,
Faster, faster, screamed the kiddies,
And a knob was pressed to oblige.

The cries of joy became cries of fear
As panic filled them all;
Parents, children and bystanders
Realised it was out of control.

I jerked awake from my sleep
Relieved it was only a scare,
But next morning I was told by my children
Their school was going to the fair.

Photo :

©DGA 02.10.2010