Adeeyoyo's Blog

I write what I feel…


‘Twas a Wild Wind


‘twas a wild, wild wind,

a wily, capricious

wind from the west,

its mischievous

spirit wavering, teetering

‘tween destruction and

obstruction – construction

not an option!

thrust and pause,

howling and moaning,

keening and droning

until it slowed to a sighing

as daylight lifted its mood

and its temper subsided

which was all to the good.


©Denise G Allen, 28 September 2014 12:27




The skirt of evening falls

gently enfolding hills and dales

in purple haze; these are the days

where twilight wraps branches as they bow

and the flames of the setting sun

dive headfirst into the golden meadow.

The morrow waits just o’er the hill

with bated breath, beyond the heath,

and God keeps watch both day and night

to see His will be done.


©Denise G Allen, 27 September 2014 17:10


A Week Away in the *Bundu


A week away in the bundu ~

Heaven on Earth ~

Away from the DIS-ease

And DIS-order of CIVIL-isation,

The cultivation of sophistication

In nations, where evolution

Lags behind what man desires.

What was thought to be progress

Is, in fact, re-gression

And chemical compounds rule the way

In which our foods are grown ~

Animal and vegetable ~

DNA manipulated, cloned, all in the name

Of improvement; a few steps forward

And how many back? Gods in white coats

Seeking, questing what? Eternity?


©Denise G Allen, 12 September 2014 11:23

*(the bundu)
(In South Africa and Zimbabwe) the wilds; a distant or wilderness region.


Spring Shoots

Spring Shoots

Spring Shoots

Spring Shoots


Bare brown branches with hardly a hint of green,

The smallest tint of jade seen in the shade

As the shadows lengthen and colours dissipate.

Darkness shrouds the trees and birds slowly cease

Their twitters. Only a lone owl can be heard

Breaking the soft silence with his call. Peace.


©Denise G Allen, 10 September 2014 11:21

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Double Crossed


a joyful crowd lined the way

along the busy streets;

no one guessed, no one knew,

that he would be dead,

nailed to a cross,

before the end of day.

a carpet of palm leaves

strewed the path

while the people laughed and cheered.

(how easily are they swayed?)

tricked, trapped, betrayed,

his spotless life exchanged

for that of a common criminal,

scourged, cursed by his people,

he bowed to the will of his father

to bring us his message of love

on that hill named golgotha.


©Denise G Allen, 09 September 2014 07:06


The Pink Daisy

The Pink Daisy

The Pink Daisy

The Pink Daisy


Walking in the misty morn,

The world around me sleeping still,

The birthing sun tints the sky

With beauty from another realm ~

Rosy posies, red and gold

Glorious splendour to behold ~

And then from the corner of my eye

I spied a speck, a spot of purest pink.

Along the grass-edged path it lay

Neglected, withering even as I gazed;

‘tis since recovered with pride of place

At home among my simple flowers

Rooted well in ecstasy

With flowering blossoms for all to see

Its happiness in being saved.


©Denise G Allen, 06 September 2014 08:21

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Despair Not


Our Father loves us

how could He not

we are His children

no matter our sin

He forgives us for ever

until our last breath

seventy times seven

He has said


and by sending His Son

His groundswell of love

created a bridge

right over the chasm

so we can join the children

crossing over in joy

and all we must do

is love and believe


©Denise G Allen, 01 September 2014 06:03