Adeeyoyo's Blog

I write what I feel…




I lost myself in the ways of the world,

I stumbled and fell in the mire,

But the Lord saw me fall

And He reached out his hand,

Said, I understand,

It is easy for you to do,

Just keep your eyes on the cross

At the top of the hill

Where the road runs straight and true,

If you falter and fall, you must pick yourself up,

If you stray on the way, call on Me

For I will be there – My love will set you free.


©Denise G Allen, 21 October 2014 15:51


Reaching Out



Sifting through the sands of time

for footsteps long forgot,

smothered by the wind-blown dust,

covered by earth’s crumbling crust,

memories are stirred to life,

reach out with fingers from the past,

the graveyard yawns, remains exposed,

bygone eras, long-gone aeons,

shadow figures buried in

an avalanche of history,

bacteria, microorganisms set free.


©Denise G Allen, 11 October 2014 07:06

NB: This was written with Ebola in mind

1 Comment

The Wilderness


The call of the mountains

Echoing through the air,

The singing of the sea

Softly sighing eternally,

The morning chorus of birdsong,

The bullfrogs’ croak at night,

Thank you Heavenly Father

For all you’ve given me,

My destiny… and my delight.


©Denise G Allen, 09 October 2014 08:36
Wilderness or wildland is a natural environment on Earth that has not been significantly modified by civilized human activity. It may also be defined as: “The most intact, undisturbed wild natural areas left on our planet—those last truly wild places that humans do not control and have not developed with roads, pipelines or other industrial infrastructure.”


What is Beauty?


Everything can be reduced

To a maths equivalent,

A chemical blueprint,

But beauty is lost along the way.

Give me, if you may,

A formula for splendour,

For magnificence,

A delight to the eye and

Sustenance for the soul.


An impossible task, I say,

To encapsulate beauty,

Put it behind bars or

Chain it and hold it captive

For our admiration and approbation,

Because it is a living thing,

From day to day unfurled,

Living on love, shrivelling with hate,

God’s gift to our world.


©Denise G Allen, 07 October 2014 09:48


A Portrait of the Sea


Capturing colour with light and shade,

Shining translucent as lemonade,

Swells as high as the heavens above

And valleys as deep as a castle keep,

We squeeze the paint from the toothpaste tube

To brighten her smile on this sunny day,

Trimming blues or turquoise and even green

Thus giving it all a luminous sheen.


©Denise G Allen, 05 October 2014 14:24




We came to earth

born naked, helpless,

only our parents, carers,

to keep us alive,

to help us survive,

but He gave us gifts

as the wise men from the east

brought to the newborn Babe,

talents to aid our journey

as we travel through

this life and onward

to return to our Father.


©Denise G Allen, 04 October 2014 10:02

1 Comment

Your Light


a bright light shines through the darkness

warms my heart and cossets my soul

i feel you here lord, i feel you here god

your spirit calms me and keeps me whole

my faith grows stronger with each passing day

i will hold on forever through the rain and the storm

i will never let go and will come to no harm


©Denise G Allen, 01 October 2014 10:50