Adeeyoyo's Blog

I write what I feel…



Post No. 847




We hold our children’s hands

to keep them warm

and safe from harm —

and our father understands

our love is but a shadow of his own

for we are shaped and created

fashioned and turned

bowed and curved to his will

his hands smooth our lives

into his perfection and calm us

in the stillness of time


©Denise G Allen, 30 July 2015 09:46


Nightmare in Daylight

Post No. 844


Nightmare in Daylight


Yesterday began like any other day

The sky suffused with pink from top to toe

No portent of what was to come

Of what I would have to bear alone…

Grossly betrayed by my being —

Nothing new but surely in the past

Pass-ed and all but forgotten

Vapourised and/or evaporated

Memories flooded my brain

My nightmare had returned – again


©Denise G Allen, 24 July 2015 10:24



Post No. 843




Is life a dream and are we dreamers all

imaginations running wild as the wind

and when we experience déjà vu

does your subconscious speak to you

we enter and leave by the gates of birth and death

born into one reality to die into another

only baring our souls uncloaked to a few

that we trust are faithful and true


©Denise G Allen, 22 July 2015 09:22



Post No. 841




Our father,

maker, creator, designer and inventor

of gigantic mountains, valleys,

wastelands and seas

from the macro to the micro

and everything between

you possess the marvels and miracles

to do what e’er you please

i hear your voice calling me

across rugged mountain ranges

across the stormy sea

over the desert sands of time

through the never-ending vastness of space

calling, calling to the human race

i have countless questions to ask when at last we meet

is it only on a whim that you cause the earth to quake

is it simply on an impulse that the world begins to shake

and what is it that enables you to choose

which peoples are to win and which to lose

difficult to answer for someone such as me

but you o lord are able to see

right inside the human heart

and take it all apart


©Denise G Allen, 14 July 2015 16:49


Heart Beat

Post No. 840


Heart Beat


Everything in this world

plays its own music

or at least a beat

the mountains shout out

and the echoes play tag

with flowers cut from scraps

in mother’s rag bag

a stitch in time she’d say to me

saves nine as i clambered on her knee

a stitch in time… mends a broken heart

and the cape robin on my window sill

sings his soul out fit to burst

filling mine to overflowing with His song


©Denise G Allen, 14 July 2015 06:45



Post No. 839




Silhouetted on the hill a hump,

a swollen chunk of detritus, wept  —

The smell assailed us long

Before we reached the dump.

Men and women dressed in rags

Scratched a living or a dying

Desperate like wild animals

Damaged by care-less-ness

Fouled dreams, failed chances

Used and abused by worldliness,

Heartlessness, perceptions changed,

Became infections,

Until they learned to hear and see

Differently from you and me —

Nonentities, expecting and receiving nothing.


©Denise G Allen, 13 July 2015 08:53

1 Comment


Post No. 838




Softly, slowly drawing strength,

Relying wholly on weakness seen,

Parasites steal the light,

Leaving only darkness after

Taking joy from others’ laughter,

Growing bigger, stronger, harder.


Cruelty, malice, hatred, spite

Flourish, but well out of sight,

Cunning, crafty as a fox,

Hiding under pleasantries

But dishing out his penalties,

Remedies for frailties.


©Denise G Allen, 11 July 2015 11:23